Apparently my 8 year old has decided that she would rather have a glass eye than the one she was given by God. I make this conclusion based on the facts of the past two days. On Friday my youngest daughter was looking for her DS and she decided to look under her sister's bed for it and while she was burrowing under the bed she got poked in the eye with a stick. Poor thing she was crying like crazy. Oh yeah let me insert here for those of you who do not know my mother is here for her once a year visit. Just what you want your mother to experience. LOL Ok so I know you are saying one stick in the eye does not warrant one to conclude that she is trying to get herself a new eye and I totally agree.Well, today Maddy was outside playing the her friend when she comes running in the house screaming and holding her eye!! The SAME eye as last night!! No way, I think to myself. Yes way!! Oh yeah and my mother had just walked through the door. I am not kidding. It turn out that my daughter stepped on a board and it made another board pop up and hit her right in the eye. I have to tell you here that I can totally picture the hilarity in this. Not only did she mess up her eye twice but, the ways that she messed it up. I told her that she is gonna have to wear safety goggles from now on. Here is a picture of her eye and one with her wearing her safety goggles.

I finally have a picture of my new kitty for you all to see. Her name is Marmalade.

I am happy to announce that we have some new games. We now have Taboo, Apples to Apples, Apples to Apples jr, and Bingo a really nice Bingo game. We had a really fun game night this week. I have wanted Taboo for a long time. What games do you all play?? Does your family have a favorite??

I know that a lot of my friends will be watching the super bowl tomorrow and I am wondering what will you be snaking on?? Or if you read this on Monday what did you make for your snacks?? I love new recipes so I am really interested in learning what you made for snacks. When ever I have an occasion to make snacks I really try to make something that my guests may not have had before. I love to try new foods and I really like to expose others to new foods as well.

I got new plates and cups and glasses and silverware this week compliments of Mom!! am so thankful. What a treat to eat on something not plastic. LOL We had company this week so I was able to use my new place settings as soon as I got them. Here is a picture of my new set and a picture of my Mom.

I would like to say how excited for Judy at benmakesten that her newest grandchild will be here this week!! We at our house wish the new mommy a safe delivery and quick healing.

Have a great super bowl Sunday. And never fear good citizens Safety Girl is on duty!!

Comments (3)

On February 1, 2009 at 7:03 PM , Nichole "Nikki" Warren said...

Well at least she's not swallowing her teeth. That's what my DD did this weekend. LOL. No Superbowl here and no special snacks. We are just NOT sport watchers LOL. My family's favorite games are Jenga (original) and Battleship (classic).

On February 2, 2009 at 10:11 AM , Judy Dudich said...

THANKS Haley and family! We are SOOOOO excited for sweet baby to arrive!

Thanks for sharing your lovely mom with us too!

I am CRACKING up at the freak-eye-accidents-while-mom-is-here sorry for "Safety Girl" though...hope she heals quickly.

My FAVORITE game is TABOO!!! We also love Boggle, Risk, Chess, cards, Candy Land, Memory,
Outburst, you get the idea..we're a game-loving family.

As for Super Bowl Snacks...while not original by any sense of the word...they were tasty...and you can find both our Super Bowl Hot Wings and Guacamole recipes here:

Can't WAIT to see those free-ranging animal photos...HATS OFF to you dh! What a SPORT! Mine would DIE if wild and assorted animals even TOUCHED our car...we're not even allowed to put stickers on the bumper, LOL!!!


On February 2, 2009 at 10:13 AM , Judy Dudich said...